1. Unless otherwise specified, all capacitors are 47 μF ceramic.
2. The bandwidth of the oscilloscope main frame must be at least 500 MHz.
3. The plug-in, given a 400 mV to 0 input pulse, must recover to 0.5 mV on the 1 mV/cm gain range within
100 ns.
4. See figure 4 for details of the settling time amplifier. For proper readings, the input FET's (Q1, Q2) and the output FET's (Q4, Q5) must be balanced by the following procedure:
a. With the DUT removed from the socket, measure the gate voltage of Q1 with a DVM while adjusting the
2 kν trim potentiometer for a reading of 0 V.
b. Connect the (+) and (-) output jacks to a differential comparator scope preamp. Next, zero the scope
display with the scope switch on "GND". Short the Schottky diodes out and adjust the 5 kν potentiometer so that the differential output display is in the ground reference position, with the scope switch on "DC".
5. Calibrate the scope display by installing a DUT and applying a 4 V, 100 kHz square wave to the logic
inputs. With the plug-in controls set to 200 mV/cm and 20 μs/cm, set the variable supply to 12.5 V and adjust the 10 kν pot until the amplifier output has its maximum amplitude. It should be a square wave approximately ±200 mV symmetrical about zero volts.
Measurement procedure:
1. Set the variable supply to 15 V and adjust the 10 kν pot such that the bottom of the square wave is at zero volts. Note that at 0 V the Schottky diodes are not clamping.
FIGURE 3. Test circuit for settling time - Continued.
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