A.4.2.30 High-level output voltage (VOH). The voltage level at an output terminal for a specified output current with the specified conditions applied to establish a high level at the output.
A.4.2.31 Low-level output voltage (VOL). The voltage level at an output terminal for a specified output current with the specified conditions applied to establish a low level at the output.
A.5, LINEAR (ANALOG) MICROCIRCUITS A.5.1 General terms and definitions.
A.5.1.1 Balanced amplifier. An amplifier having one output is considered balanced when the quiescent DC output voltage is reduced to zero or a specified level. An amplifier having two outputs is considered balanced when the difference between the quiescent DC output voltages is reduced to zero or a specified level.
A.5.2 Letter symbols, terms, and definitions relating to characteristics.
A.5.2.1 Automatic gain control range (AGC range). The maximum change in gain expressed in dB
which may be achieved by application of a specified range of DC voltages to the AGC input.
A.5.2.2 Common-mode voltage amplification (AVC or Avc)t. The ratio of the change in voltage at the output terminal with respect to ground (or change in voltage between the output terminals) to the change in common-mode input voltage with the differential input voltage held constant.
A.5.2.3 Differential voltage amplification (AVD or Avd)t. The ratio of the change in voltage at the output terminal with respect to ground (or change in voltage between the output terminals) to the change in differential input voltage with the common-mode input voltage held constant.
A.5.2.4 Single-ended voltage amplification (AVS or Avs)t. The ratio of the change in single-ended output voltage of a differential amplifier to the change in single-ended input voltage.
A.5.2.5 Bandwidth (B or BW ). The range of frequencies within which the gain of the amplifier is not more than 3 dB below the value of the midband gain. Midband gain is the gain at a specified frequency or the average gain over a specified frequency range.
A.5.2.6 Maximum-output-swing bandwidth (BOM). The range of frequencies within which the maximum- output-voltage swing is above a specified value for a specified load impedance.
A.5.2.7 Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR). The ratio of the differential voltage amplification to the common-mode voltage amplification.
t Upper-case subscripts indicate large-signal quantities; lower-case subscripts indicate small-signal quantities.
* Current flowing out of a terminal may be considered as a negative quantity.
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