MIL-M-38510-206 Microcircuit, Digital, 4096 Bit Schottky, Bipolar, Programmable Read-Only Memory PromThis specification covers the detail requirements for monolithic silicon, programmable read-only memory PROM microcircuits which employ thin film nichrome NiCr resistors, tungsten W or titanium tungsten TiW as the fusible link or programming element. Two product assurance classes and a choice of case outlines and lead finishes are provided and are reflected in the complete part number. A special test requirement is included in this specification to screen against devices which may contain excess moisture in the package materials or internal atmosphere see freeze-out test of 4.2d. For this product, the requirements of MIL-M-38510 have been superseded by MIL-PRF-38535, see 6.4.